I'm working on a poster for a friend for her birthday. However, it is going to involve rendering real photographs of bands, and I'm a little...
Oh em gee. We haz same birthday.
**** yesssss, thanks man. I spent hours googling the **** out of that, couldn't get it. You should be a pro researcher. ;D
Newest background that I made. I wanted to try my hand with filters/layer types/pen tool. Cnc pl0x? [IMG] =]
Hmmm, it just seems really empty though... [IMG]
Okay, I found a larger photo of the band, and stretched it across the bottom. [IMG] Now, as for the effect that I need to put on them, should I...
I've been making some backgrounds lately, and this is my favorite one. CnC por favor? [IMG] *V1.5* [IMG]
The ones for MSPs are for original Xbox games. Not 360 games. Luckily, I got into the preview program. =] woot woot
Oh, lol. I thought you were serious. Cause, the internet is srs bsns.
Um, thanks? I was just saying, no need to get bitchy.
So, funny story. I'm in a game of Halo 3, and my friend calls me to ask me how to set up his Xbox LIVE connection through his laptop at his new...
Er, where did you get that? lol I mean, thanks, but how? hahaha
Hmm, I will probably clean this up a bit, it seems a little crowded. Good for a first try though. ;] [img]
Haha, at first that's what I thought people did! (about multiple people doing the jump). And I thought that would be much too complicated. So I...
Okay, that's what I figured, just wanted to make sure there isn't an easier way. =] Thanks.
[IMG] I would like to know if there is a trick, or if these types of pictures are just edited. It's going to be really nice to show tactical...
....You realize this is a remake of something from the game, Left 4 Dead, right? Quite frankly this looks very similar so props on that. And the...
You should be okay if they haven't done anything about it. They may be a little more lenient with maps versus other threads.
Ah, I'm glad you like it, but you shouldn't have posted anything. That thread is over four weeks old and was buried. I mean thanks for the bump,...
Haha, lolhack FTW. And, well, you would get to render your videos, and have more space for more items for people to look at in game. But if...