what do you need the editor to do? i might know a guy that could help, hes not half bad and he has his own cap card but im not shur he will do it...
so it will be sorta like halo forges if thats the name were you play through a map with freinds and see how it is cuz that isnt a bad idea it...
**** yea i see a pig, i didnt see at 1sy but i just twisted my head and its there
see if you can make a hollow tube up the sides and put a man cannon insode so it shoots you up and on the bottom of the U it is hollow EDIT:...
i love the crack spider...
its kind of distracting for the eye try and put arrows in 1 direction (i know your making the name the focus) just put one up and see if its better
awsome, i cant say ill dl because i dont dl competitive maps anymore but from the screens its epic, keep up the good work. also what are you...
ive tried dummbing a fusion coil, it just turnsn into an anti grav glitch and there are easier ways to do that glitch
they dont make em like they used to... LAWL
its not a controller its just an extention
they bisically broaden the range at which your them can go, say normally you thumb can go in a small circle because of your sensiivity and all...
ima go edit my best clip now for this montage if i have 1, im not very good
only because driving wheels are acceptable
yes we do... or is that just me?
well they cant ban you for playing iwth one in your own house but i think in any MLG turny you cant have any type of mod on your controller...
ODSTs cant jack banshees, only ghost and choppers i think, i havent been able to jack 1
i tried so art to blank this from my memory must you bring it back...
the contrast thing works better, but i need more detail with all the ivy in the back ground also im planning on using it at opacity 30% it going...
i need a person to do a decent photoshop (or gimp) image change this image...
what he said and intead of having the odst starting spawn you should have the side doors as the start spawn power weps each side yada yada yada