my xbox has stoped playing discs but the only thing is it is not a Hitachi light drive it is from "philips & BenQ digital storage corparation"...
kate bush all i can say
1st one seems more gearesk i dont know much about sigs but it doesnt seem to have much flow
i dont know much about sigs but i like it the text is the thing that is a bit eh
a sniper who uses stoping power---arrghhh its a one shot anyware with both snipers it takes more skill using cold blooded because you NEED to get...
everyone that ive spoken to who uses the intervention just says its because its bolt-action, "a remnace* to the old cod days" was the best one ive...
you get that title by doing somthing with a LMG and yea ive done that
honour guard, is mento be hounoured by there status, they were given the title hounour guard by the prophets, so when they revolted they would...
you can change it to any settings, so it can be hardcore 3rd person, headshots only its quite amusing when it is like that
in "the flood" the book that folows halo CE and gives variouse points of veiw like keyes* and Yap-yap anyhow it states that all but 3 spartan...
me and my friend actually tested a bunche of these + more because we were curious* also a EMP does not send a stealth bomber crashing to the...
yea but if you live in a place or talk to the same people for even a short while (like weeks not mins) you pick up there accents they lived...
Bagasi? and i just realised, why do they all have different accents? when they all grew up and trained together. just a thought
if you dont buy the game, the developers wont recieve the money it is entitled to, so they cant put in the money to develp better future games....
this has already been posted Also SUPER ORGASM
YouTube- Halo: Reach World Premiere HD the one you posted was less high quality i think this one is 720p me thinks EDIT: better sound and is alot...
awsome, but this should be in the reach furom thing
thanks guys, and yea its not my parents but my sisters, she understands more about computers so twas ok and yea cards have been canceld* and im...
im already thinking that but does the Credit card info tranfer too? thats what im worried about, it isnt even my credit card thats why
it is very weird because i managed to recover it very easily as far as i can tell is all they did was buy 10,000 MS points spent it all on arcade...