i think they will release another forgeworld with a map pack, EG 3 MP maps and a forge map but it bwould have to be drastically different
will there still be phased, fixed and normal? and i wouldnt put it past bunbje to try and squeeze every penny out of halo, with dlc like that
is forge world the only map that we can forge on? im guessing forge on other maps too, but i dont think there has been anything saying either way...
the shuffking was a bit suspitios*, who shuffls like that? me thinks the card got back to the top of the deck and you didnt show that...
b&w is better in my opinion you might wanto ad a hint of colour just to see how it looks the coloured one, not quite shure, me thinks its because...
^what he said and i personally think that the only thing halo (in general) has in common with other tittles such od COD or GOW is that there fps...
i prefer a day in the life a of a turret from portal the vid that you tried to copy
im pretty shure i remember in a book it says that a room was cone shaped (gym), and the colser cheif got to the point the stronger the gravity...
yea theres a revolving part on the ship the creates artifitial gravity by centrafugal* force or somthing and the covy ships are a mystery as far...
i like, i think the main factor of the original was the voice, but nvm that this is quite good the animation was exellent, tho the starting 30...
just realsed, we can actually have different calsed zombies like fast zombies, armoured zombies and flying zombies instead of using the whole...
im guessing hells janitor
me thinks the last few eliets that were there were missing details just plain shape if you know what i mean and space helmet looks saixay
Aye Capn *salutes* im downloading as we speak
awsome.... but i dont have a a comp to play on... a laptop isnt the best choice to play games
yea thats what i was thinking of, they have both, belt fed and six shot, (weaponology on discovery, i got bored) or even a cartrage* style for...
DAAAAVVVEEEE!!!! yea i saw the armour lock video, and you dont even need a armour ability to do so i got there with the ball and stayed there...
i would have thought there would have been a sort of belt fed grenade launcher or a 6 shot rotational not one shot reload
ive tried doing somt things like this but i never manage to get anything like this i want some tuts also awsome
infinite jet pack + swords + on sword base = air dueling also when you do this ihn a normal game you like a flying ninja! and i would like it so...