Hey will you check out my group when you get on. Join if you want. Just click here.
Hey chris got the start to the racing league. It is in a group for starters. Been working on it a while now. Check it out here.
Check out my new group will you and join if you want. FHTG Racing League
Nice Track Love the track, I am putting this one on the FHTG Racing League Track List. We are always looking for racers and builders of tracks to...
Nice Track! Love the track, I am putting the track on the FHTG Racing League Track List. We are always looking for racers and builders of tracks...
Hey take a look at the group see the tracks what else to add... out of ideas.
Wtf wow omg
hey chung as of right now it is just a social group, with hopes of becoming its own small forum within Forge Hub somewhere. Take a look at the...
No TG membership is needed to join. Yeah there is no Testers Guild Membership needed to join. It is starting as a social group right now and...
Hey take a look at this group we changed all the rules see if you like this. FHTG Racing League IF you like what you see join up we are tring to...
Hey Check out This group we are putting the links to the maps in the master list for tracks just started yesterday, but it is coming along. You...
I think that I am going to put this one on my list for the Racing League.
Hey thanks for joining the FHTGRL going to get it going this weekend let your friends know.
Racing League This is mainly going to start as Racetracks and will throw a few events of Battletracks in when ever. The group is open to the...
TG TG stands for Testers Guild Since we were members and were probably going to start posting the Race Events in the Customs Lobby in the Guild...
Racing League I think that you have to forge to make the tracks, and if I am not positive the TG has a section built in for custom games if I am...
I love the map you care if my group uses it in our Allowable tracks for racing list. Check out our group here:...
Hey thanks for being the first to post on here Zan. See you on sometime.
I would like to get this going on Forge Hub. It is a racing league idea. Yeah if i could get some kind of section on the forum to start the Idea...
This is a great Idea! This is a great idea, but I would like to expand on your Racing League Idea. I would actually like to get this going. I...