Hey try and be on 7pm EST tomorrow and 10pm EST sunday cause that is when I want to run through all the tracks.
That is great me and RnR Train are going to go through the tracks this weekend. I will send you a invite. Try and be on 7pm EST tomorrow and 10pm...
Hey thanks for joining the Group. We have the first event up if you want to sign up. Please try and stay active.
Hey chung, See what you think about the list of tracks. Let me know if I missed any good ones.
O that is cool, don't worry about it, tell me what you think about the list of tracks.
It is totally cool, just wanting people to join and be able to get the group out there so people can join up.
Ok I got you. I have stopped Just tring to get it out to people that like racetracks. Tring to get the admins to let me start a mini forum under...
Hey will you join the group already. Looking bad that you are not in the group and it was your Idea to start with. Join Here.
Don't worry I am going to keep up with this thing. I love to race and find new tracks to race on. Look at the list of tracks that are up so far. I...
Why does it matter to you I am getting the tracks more noticed with the group I am posting for and we are using the tracks in the Racing League....
Nice Track Love the track, I will post the track on the FHTG Racing League Track List. Take a look at the Group. Join if you want. We are always...
Hey Scope will you take a look at my new group. I have put a lot of work into it to start it off right. Join if you want to. Just Click Here.
Fatal take a look at my new group will you. I have put a lot of work in to get it started properly. Join if you want. Just Click Here.
Hey Master will you take a look at my new Group. I have put some work in to get the thing started. Join if you want to. Just Click Here.
Hey Kid, will you take a look at my new Group. I have put a lot of work in it to start it. Join if you want to. Just Click Here.
Hey BR will you take a look at my new Group. I have put a lot of work in it to start it. Join if you want to. Just Click Here.
Hey Insane will you take a look at my new Group. I have been working hard on it. Join if you want to. Just Click Here.
Hey will you check out my new Group. I have been working on it for a while. Join if you want to. Just click Here.
Hey will you check out my new Group. I have been working on it for a while. Join if you want to. Just click here.
Hey Panda will you check out my new group. Join if you want to have fun racing. Just click here.