The map is Dune Rider V2 it is on my file share. You can only send me 1 saved film ok, but you can do it before if you want to.
Yeah I thought so.
Hey nice user bar for the Racing League.
I am about to right now
Hey dream where are the rules and track list and stuff for Battle Tracks.
Thanks for joining the Racing League. You going to be able to make it to either one of the Events Posted?
I all ready have a tag for the group. Look at all of the Discussions it is in there somewhere
I have DL the Track and it is one of the Bigger Figure 8 Tracks that I have Played, about the start I would Like to talk to you about it on XBL. I...
Yeah I got them to do that. I thought that It might be a bit bigger than that.
Hey Psycho Thanks for Joining the Racing League. You going to be able to make the Tuesday Event?
Hey ridge thanks for joining the Racing League. See you at a event soon I hope.
Thanks for Joining the League. See you on sometime.
Hey thanks for joining the Racing League. You going to be able to make either one of the Events? One is Tuesday @ 8pm EST and the other is June 12...
Hey thanks for joining the Racing League. If you find any tracks that you want on the List just post in the Tracks List or If New post on the New...
Hey thanks for signing up for the Racing League. You are in for the second Event.
Hey Josh you are in for the Second Event. Thanks for joining the Racing League.
No it is tonight
He Hari, thanks for joining the Racing League. Our first event is today but our next event is Next tuesday at 8pm EST if you want to sign up.
Forge Hub Racing League I am the FH Racing League Manager. If you have not already joined the FH Racing League you can do so by Clicking Here. We...
The time is 9pm EST tomorrow.