hold on, post it on forgehub. do you need some help posting it on here?
mmm about 1.2k downloads. i think i might give it ago. EDIT: actually ill search for one for abit.
post it on here. and give me the link ill check it out
um.. why would i dl that. when i have official xbox live payed for?
look for mini mods.
Render/Character: Markus please. (Main character of Gears of war) Name: Macka654 Style: Grunge Color Scheme:Dark, black. Sort of gears of war-ish...
Omg, this is halarious! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcZY7bzdhW0&feature=related
uuhh yes, i had that problem to. Try putting it on its back. That should fix it!
Omg, this actually works, I did it! Also works for PSP, DS and other consoles! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxtvcIDQdDI
tbh, i think they should be scrapped. Just stick with rubber bullets/bean bags.
i just go an email, my xbox is on its way home :) only took about 10 days
Wow, this is bad. Are tasers safe? Winnipeg police in Canada say a teenager has died after being shot with a Taser gun while he was brandishing a...
[IMG] Would you play this? LOL HAR HAR
Good job, I am a true MLG player/supporter. I am sick of people putting swords, ect. in there MLG maps. Thanks. Should be stickied.
yes... you can buy white, black blue and pink.. and soon a red! red ftw.
i fixeD my grammerz0rz. happy. lol
gives me the options, screenshot plz?
thats why i stated "allegedly". Still, its pretty funny watching all the ps3 fanboys drown in their own tears.
A man "allegedly" killed himself over FF coming to 360... all i can say is what an idiot, and YAY for FF :) Guy wrote a suicide note cause...