Thanks dude! I'm so surprised I made it because the current Faves was submitted six months ago (hence the fact that all the maps in Faves right...
This map looks solid! Good job man. Actually great job, especially for a first map. I like how the map has various points of elevations, ranging...
Picceta's DownFall also got into Favorites. I was actually the first one to find out that I was on Favorites. I just randomly checked it and...
I dunno. Haven't checked, but won't be able to check until Friday. I have a crazy week, and then a 5-day weekend for T-giving, so I'll be online...
Look at bungie favorites!!
Dude! Hey. So you probably don't know who I am...but we both have maps on Bungie Favorites (from Mjolnir Battle Tactics). Congrats man!
Thanks a lot for the comment...but sadly, it really sounds like you played this map without SWAT settings. lol. Is this the case? Anyways, I need...
Yeah, you could look at this two ways. Bungie making Recon unlockable will release a burden from their shoulders because of all the threads,...
Thanks for that great review. The door can be compared to the door on High Ground. Once you open it, it stays open for the whole game. On the...
At first, from that overview picture, I asked myself "Wait, is there anything on that the map?" Then I saw the rest of the pictures. haha. So,...
<------- Get Eddie's guitar!! lol. The guitar you want to get really depends on your style. I'm a heavy duty lead guitarist who is into classic...
Lol, Sounds like quite the cruel prank to me...
Here's another disturbing thought: How does he sign his name? (Dun dun dun)
He looks like a 4-year-old trapped in a teenager's body. This observation can be proved now that he changed his name to a combo of his favorite...
LOL! Mods, lock this immediately. This is way old. I released version 3 a couple months after this thread was made. Hot Shott completely...
Whoever rated this map a 3 is clearly blind. Cheezball, this looks like the best Ghost Town competitive map I've seen. The geomerging on the...
HAHAH!! I can't believe you named the map this. That's so awesome. And the map itself looks like a lot of fun (especially with 200% gravity and...
This looks really awesome. Aesthetically, it looks good, but gameplay looks like it would be sweet. You really used Foundry's space well, as it...
Wow! This looks great! I'm downloading everything and will come back and edit this post once I've tried it out. EDIT: I tried this bad boy...