Tidus from FFX, lolololol
I've heard mixed replies, some saying you need the original achievements to get the Katana, and others, as said above, have gotten it when they...
Well, they didn't reset the ranks....
Doesn't matter if it is fair, their game, they can do what they want. I feel it is fair by the way, if you boost you deserve punishment, and they...
Really? We skipped it and we got it.
I was actually wondering this as well. If I get a chance, I will try it out and see for ya. I would go with 4 boxes and 4 gold accounts though,...
Well, if you include the Portal credits song, that wins the thread.
Umm, what does this have anything to do with rocket FFA?
I say Reaper of Bunny's picture is the best.
Wow, that does actually look extremely cool. 5/5
Yea, that is an amazing talent, I am hoping this will not be the only thing I see of his work.
Wow.... that was amazing.
It's really not at all practical to use, for the various reasons stated above. I personally don't even plan the maps I make, I just improvise as...
Nice, that's really funny. 5/5
They are under the bridge directly to your left after leaving the structure after killing the monitor (once you are outside)
Bungie changed that, it was possible to get right after AU2 was released.
Installing the maps onto the harddrive won't be possible if it can't read the maps in the first place >_>
Bungie.net : Inside Bungie : News Watch that and judge for yourself.
Probably with the other 5 maps, which we believe (Bungie hasn't announced) to be the 6th of January (With the Halo expansion thing)
Well, something is wrong, either with your box or your disk. Does your disk have a lot of scratches?