Terribly old news.
Why would Bungie announce the date? They aren't writing or publishing the book, so why would you need word from them.
It is just as powerfull, but more cost efficient with less heat produced.
Tacos by far. Especially volcano tacos.
Complete lie. Don't trust the person that told you this ever again.
Works fine for me, give it a night and hopefully it will sort itself out.
Yes, it is extremely cheap of Microsoft to charge you for two accounts >_>
Default. I've used it since day one and it's too hard to get used to any other control scheme.
A whole clip?? Try 10. Scratch that, 20.
That looks really cool, good job with that.
I am pretty sure that Red and Blue get Attackers and Defenders, but I am not positive. Someone will have to verify that. For the other teams, it...
Technically that wasn't an update, it was a TU FAQ :P
Not yet, if you watch Major Nelson's Twitter, he said he will post when LIVE is back up. Twitter / majornelson
No, not yet. I would say there are probably a few hours left, but I have no clue. I am sure it probably won't take the full 24 hours.
Reminder: Xbox Live Service Maintenance - Xbox Lives Major Nelson If anyone still has doubts, it's a prep for the update, NOT the update, as...
You cannot however, go into a playlist with 7 EXP, that just won't cut it.
Read the achievement again.
You get 7 Exp, on the 7th day of a month...
I would try it, it would require quite a bit of thought to get it to work good though.
It isn't the update, the NXE is being released sometime in Nov. Reminder: Xbox Live Service Maintenance - Xbox Lives Major Nelson