It doesn't say they have to be bought from the marketplace. Everyone I played with in the Mythic Playlist CONFIRMED that they got Bungie Pro when...
Hahaha yea, I bet I am. Oh wait. I'm not.
Check again. I am 100% positive.
If you bought HW, you also got the free Bungie Pro.
I just mute everyone, fixes the problem quite nicely.
It will be a separate disk.
Why would you insult the shell of the Xbox like that?
It isn't coming out in 6 days, are you kidding me? Get informed before you post something like that. The countdown for Bungie's new game wasn't...
That's complete bullshit.
Three months? Try seven
Anyone that does have it should send me a FR to help me get banners :P
I think that it's pretty fun, worth the 800 points for me. Not any special type of reply value, but I'm sure I'll play through a few times to...
A pretty neat arcade game, nice and laid back. Basically, you are a giant with control over a city of little people known as Keflings, and you...
WaW is 99% the exact same stuff CoD4 was, it's a completely unoriginal game. All they did was rename all the perks, added a few new ones, and...
Because I am sure all of the best Gears players are here on this site >_>
I mainly dislike the use of letters to replace numbers, however over 3 numbers becomes annoying, long chains of letters at the end of the name...
Probably Halo and Mercs2, possibly GoW2 and Obivion if I start playing that again.
Was that really needed?
They most likely won't.
Guardian by far