I saw a bunch of lego guns, this video was on my "videos you might like" so I watched it and then watched about 15 other lego gun vids but this...
The last resort one didnt fail if I could have pulled it off in the allotted time it would have been extremely epic.
This thing is really cool, seriously this guy is a genius. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9KleCswrGk
Well I started out making one on last resort because I wanted to be original but everything wasn't working together because it was so crazy so...
This mirror thing your talking about happens all the time if your somewhere your not suppose to be this would not be the easter egg. Just go get...
This map plays amazing. Sorry my mic was messed up when you invited me. Although I really only got to play half of a game on v2 I played v1...
Hows the internet in china faster/slower?
I bet your going to start bitching again when all you see is sandbox maps.
Then everything is a sport, typing this reply is a sport.
Microsoft > Sony Thats the only thing that you need to say.
A lot more people forge than you think, you would be surprised. I just want all objects to be like door except that you can put the whole object...
SNatch was a great movie, but thats not this year. For this year in no particular order iron man dark knight street kings Pineapple express
I use GIMP
That would totally ruin it IMO.
Thanks for the advice on saving as a png, I noticed that the quality wasnt that great, I think resize will make the quality better also. I have...
I had some time in the car to make some sigs with my lap top and I thought that they both turned out pretty good, C&C please. [IMG] I like this...
Congrats on getting this on bungie. Link
That is what I meant it as.
You can have some jumping, just not a lot. What I mean by site lines, if you are going to have a decent sized map and plan for it to be br...
I know what your saying, mcdonalds charges like 30 cents just for a little dipping cup of bbq sauce. Whopper and BK ftw, besides they make xbox...