I'm really glad you remade guardian, this is way better then what we already have. Thank you so much, maybe you should remake assembly next. I...
It was actually only 3 floors and the 3rd floor wasn't even a full floor, hezbolla doesn't know what he's talking about. Thanks for the feedback.
I'm quitting once this map gets completely done, i might come back but I won't be forging really at all this summer. I wish i got a handshake.
By connect the bottom to all areas do you mean connect s1 to the middle, if so that is in the plans for v2, if not please let me know what you...
hey do u want to forge right now? im in the mood for some odd reason
I was about to say that same thing. Btw hezbolla you make me seem like such a bad kid in the original post, but you already know that. Sorry...
yah, do you?
There are till bumps in the racetracks, you just don't notice them because you are driving a mongoose over them not walking over them.
Read the OP.... I don't think it will ever end completely.
What's with the hate on construct? Maybe I would suggest a game of MLG king on the map if you don't like the lift camping, it is on of my favorite...
Anyone else looking forward to Transformers 2 or Terminator: Salvation. They both look like they are going to be amazing especially Terminator....
If shiska cares so much about good spawns then how did anvil and smashed get in? On smashed people are constantly spawning behind you. Also on...
I'd be crying if I got hit in the balls like that to.
why haven't you been on xbox?
That 0-38$ gap you speak of happens a lot on sandbox, just not the same for everyone. For whatever reason some stuff becomes budget glitched,...
Great job you two. How come I wasn't invited to any of these test games Pixie? Anyways you two really had your work cut out for you I remember...
It's not very anti cheat. You can still blow up the grav lifts, so I don't get why you didn't take the time to make this uncheatable. Going...
Is this a joke? This could be forged in one sitting. There are other more deserving tracks than this. But you guys must have saw something in...
It has been even worse lately with the release of sandbox.
I played this yesterday and it is a decent remake of amplified however it doesn't feel the same because it is so much larger than the original....