[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] YouTube - Preview of my new Halo Reach map, Yavin IV [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
The first game I ever owned was for my non-color gameboy heres a video: YouTube - Game Boy Longplay [027] Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Back from...
Last Resort, Beaver Creek, Epitaph (I always liked it don't judge me)
I bought the premium, RRod got my first one now my second one has lasted me for about 2 years.
How much does a T cost nowadays?
YouTube - Rolling a Reliant Robin - Top Gear - BBC
really bad name im sorry but other than that it looks like a good map for a team based slayer/objective game. Some vehicles would really make this...
wow that looks like it took a long time. Does this play any gametypes? it would be cool if like banshee people were trying to plant a bomb inside...
wow this actually looks incredible. I was blown away by the originality of this map. The concept is amazing with it being based on the streets of...
alex, you my friend are a god.
wow thats really cool. I'm trying to think how you made that but I have no idea. Definitely one of the better wallpapers ive seen on this site.
What game?
one time i played a game where the whole time the only thing i saw on my screen was a floating grenade. I could still shoot but there was no gun....
yeah I might update the gametype for one 10 minute round and I was thinking about using no time limit with a 25 point score limit. I might also...
octagon room, every other side is a zombie entrance. The zombies evade in very fast and try to slice the humans but the humans have insta kill. I...
It's not as simple as you made it seem. Basically the only thing you can bring over is the geometry and I'm pretty sure reach runs on a different...
god i did this like 12 times yesterday, and the day before that, and basicly every game of team snipers I ever play. It was an above average kill...
well he needs to finish the game and advertise for god's sakes. Word of mouth will only get you so far.
wow ive never even played the iphone game but this looks amazing. The fact that you turned invasion into a playable custom game is very original...