This map is awesome. I would love to get a game together and play it, the idea is so awesome and I love the different things you added to the...
oshi- dude, I freaking love this game. I was one of the first few to play it and I gotta say, this mini game is so original and fun. The whole...
Loberg Law Office
I think its all cool except for the stage, I would make a custom one out of blocks not use the cookie cutter pyramid.
This is pretty cool, I could have used this guide when making this video: YouTube - Halo Reach hidden **** Zombies mode. But on the mystery box,...
Wow, this looks amazing. You merged a screenshot with cool effects and an action shot to make something genuinely awesome.
Wow man this is amazing, I love mini games that create new and original ways to play. This is just a perfect example of a map that shows us what...
I scare me if you receive any sort of entertainment from this.
I didn't know the mo' creatures mod let you do that type of customization, I might go check that out. If I ever finish this project I'll probably...
I'm so aggravated at my less than adequate coding skills. I saw this video and got the amazing idea of having an assassins creed level where you...
So for some reason comedy central came up with the idiotic idea of having the "situation" be part of the roast of donald trump, it was so...
Why did the tv series become a complete piece of poo after the orange islands? Or was it because I got older and the series hasnt changed at all?
I love MLG because its a sport that I can be part of even though my legs are tentacles.
Your supposed to punch it first, then when you obtain a block you punch the tree with its own tree flesh.
Today I walked in on a girl in a unisex bathroom while she was putting her belt on and I ended up getting her number lol.
Oh yeah, I'm the one in the third picture getting my but smacked by a giant ball no sexual joke intended. This mini game is incredible and the...
I think you need a more clear focal, I don't know wether to look at the elite or the big bright spot behind him, and the background is too blurry....
Truth: "I AM TRUTH!" Arbiter: "[Asshole?] You must be silenced. *stabs* Truth: abgjagbbagghhahgg
I feel that If I planned out my maps before I started then I would finish more maps and maybe they would be of a higher quality. Forging blindly...