Looks very neat nice job. 5/5
Looks sweet. 5/5
Needs some work maybe put some interlocking into it.
Looks like a neat map. 4/5
Looks a little rough but good job. 4/5.
looks pretty cool 5/5.
looks like a fun game. 5/5.
It doesn't look that could because you didn't put that much work into it. 3.5/5
Looks fun but could use some more neatness in it.
Looks pretty neat 4/5.
thanks again and I think this track will play out in races good to because the hole thing is double wide.
Looks sweet
looks pretty cool
Thank you guys for the great comments.
Zombie rider A Double wide banked spiral on foundry To down load click here. Pics [img] Over View [img] Starting gate [img]...
This map looks sweet man. I love how each base looks to. Good pond to.
He is crazy did he get put in jail or not.
Nice track, looks sweet 5/5.
Ya there is a way to get back on. There are teleportes to get back on.
I like the loop in the middle and the smile in the middle. Looks well made to. 4.8/5 rounded to 5/5.