Looks very cool nice job 5/5
Looks ok but also seems like it could you some fixes in spots.
that looks totally sweet very nice job making this monster.
It is a really smooth track and fast pace to. BUt its all double wide and in the sky which makes it really fun.
This map looks ok but I don't know how much fun it would be.
I like the second one the best.
very neat map man keep up the good work.
I guess this map is pretty neat.
Looks like a neat map but a bit on the small side or well though. Still fun for some swat and stuff.
Looks cool I will dl this.
Cool I like the idea of the map.
Looks like a neat map. 5/5
Looks like a well made map keep up the good work.
Looks very sweet man I will DL this.
Looks like a cool map I will give it a 4/5.
Cool trick but I have already seen a of switches on maps. 3.5/5
Looks pretty cool.
Looks like a fun game to play nice job. 5/5
Looks pretty neat.
Ok but I like regular foundry better.