Very nicely done. this was actually a satisfactory feature. You have excellent tastes, Iv0ry. N1NJ4, your future here should get only better.
Nice Geo. I love the three D. Boxes that are merged together.
Urban. I like the Urban. The "SKYWAY" lookin' thing looks awesome. Kepitup.
Ghetto Sock Monkey [IMG]
[IMG] Paris Tokyo Live it up in Paris, wake up in Tokyo... Created by Flymingo and XxNAPALM FURYxX* *NAPALM built the elevator system in the...
I haven't seen a map like this in a while. Great interlocking. Great job.
This structure is amazing. I absolutely love the use of fence boxes.
[IMG] Ask me if you dont knowhow to put the sig in.
You make em in GIMP. search GIMP on google. mmmk?
Sweet choices of interlocking. I love the room with the turret and the merged box.
It looks like you could grenade jump out. This should be fixed. Until then, no DL.
Here [IMG]
Not excepting sig requests at this time. Maybe I can fit you in later.
Finally changes my XBL name to Flymingo
Thank you all for the feedback!
I like the penalty box.
OK guys. Just updated my request thread. Keep the requests coming!
The third pic is pretty amazing. Nice post.
Nice. I have seen a hill like that in another map though.
There are many places that could use some merging, but then again, if you think the gameplay is OK, then prove me wrong.