Nice racetrack! I like how all the curves and banks are smooth and curvy, and there doesn't seem to be any bumps so I will check it out. 5/5
He didn't say it was MLG... Cool map anyway! I like how you made that curved wall. It looks very nice. I also like the walkway. Also nice. I...
Elites? Hell yeah! :flight::ascetic::commando::assualt::combat: Hey r u there?
Your map looks very nice! I like the shapes. The window panel ledge and the big room with fences are my favorite part. But it looks like you made...
Ok I'm back. It took a while, I know. No it's not that problem I have either, Jpec. K so this is what I do before it happens: I tried to play...
Wow I really like this! I think your town looks awesome, and that hurricane thingy throwing stuff at you is a very good addition. I will download...
I've always been thinking of making a map like this but I never get started :P. Well I guess I don't have to try anymore :D. This is completely...
I just played this - well, not the map you have in your pics. On the map I played you could just jump up to the next level right away, and when...
Dudes. The map is meant to be made of randomly placed objects. I tried making a map like this and it didn't work because it took to much time and...
Are you the guy who made a vid on you tube? Anyway this is awesome. Can I make one on like standoff or rats nest where you can make elites w/...
Wow. this is cool! It would have been a lot cooler if you interlocked though... And the barriers... The barriers... 3.5/5
I just played one flag on this and it was awesome! We were 10 players and my team totally pwned the crap out of the other team. I got some nice...
Wow this looks sick! I've never seen anybody use the outside of foundry that well. Great idea! The map also looks very good, I see you have...
Wow. People rate this low because they don't like high ground. I hate people who think maps suck just because it's not on foundry. Would you rate...
I must've taken forever to merge all those objects so perfectly! I really like the design of the map, I like the layout. It's square-y and edgy...