I like the concept of the map but it looks a little crappy in some areas. I would recommend interlocking some more. But the map looks kinda cool...
Thanks I'm glad everybody likes it! Well if you're referring to the walls in the big field, they are supposed to look crappy, and if you're...
I thin this map looks pretty cool. You merged stuff nicely too. I will download this and give it a try. 4/5
See that's where the wire spools come in. You can roll them forward while taking cover behind them. Pretty smart, huh?
Well the zombies have one too ',:) However, it doesn't seem like you read the description first before commenting, so I have to give you -rep...
Infected Fort Story: This old fort was built back in 1532, but was reinforced in the year 2554 to be used against the covenant. The fort could...
Hey I just played this with some friends and I think I found a major error in the map. We drove our mongooses through the teleporters but that was...
I think the first map looks very well made for a map without interlocking. I will download your other map too because I think it looks very cool.
I think the first version was better. But this one is cool. 6/10
He has stolen pmp's map called "drawbridge" >:( explain yourself! edit: Well if somebody steals somebody's map and build on it and doesn't give...
I loved v1 so much, and now you made it like 5x cooler, so I will download this right away! I like how you put more things on the map to make it...
I just played this with some friends and it was awesome. I really like the hangar ship. The gameplay was also very fun and intense. Great work...
I think he accidently posted this before hi finished it or something. Or he deleted some stuff to fix the pics, idk.
First I thought someone was trying to steal matty's map, but then I saw it was different. I think this map is cool! Though it looks very blocky....
looks pretty nice! I like the design. The rails make things look cool too. I will download this and try it soon. 5/5
I think the map looks very cool, i like the first part with the mongooses. But the donkey kong part looks very hard. I will download this and try...
Finally it got featured! What took so long? Congratulations Neverless and Bisquit! The map really deserved a feature. It was great!
I'm glad you like it! It was a pain merging some of the stuff, some spots are almost impossible to merge in. Great work with your merging, Hitman!...
Seems kinda open from the pics, but I will download and check it out. It would be nicer with more pics though...
Wow I've never seen anything like this before! I thing the idea is very good, I like how you put so many different styles in one place. I like the...