^What hunter said to below. Seriously, that was retarded.
15 minutes on my clock :P But I really don't know what they'll put into it.... probably not much concerning Reach. There is little to no info we...
LOL weird coincidence :P And I still want to have a new update!
You can't :/ But, exploring would still be possible with unlimited jet pack and unlimited health! And lol, I've been refreshing the bungie home...
Thanks ;) Maybe we could forge in Reach some time after it comes out ;) With Reach making co-forges easier and all (no more choosing who's the...
Thank you for being a gentleman about it ;) (The invasion debate thing)
I see what you're trying to say, but he asked if you could forge invasion, he didn't ask if you could edit invasion's options. I've been watching...
Did you even read my post, and understand it? Look at what you've been saying, and what re-arrange means. Re-arrange means move stuff around so...
Wow, this looks great. It sort of gives me an idea, if you wanted one. It could be used for customized version of Invasion that would sort of...
If you remember, they said completely set up a map or re-arrange an original map. That means, they are talking about 2 different things....
Grrr, I didn't know about Glacier until you guys told me here....... btw, it looks damn smexxy
Yes, and when they said 're-arrange' they meant switch objects around on the original Invasion maps. I am 99.999999999999999999999999999% sure you...
Both. They just don't look as cool as everything else :/
(Re)Welcome to Forgehub! Keep an eye out for staff.... THEY'RE EVERYWHERE! lol jk
Whoa, this took me as a surprise! Didn't think you'd release it this moment :P From the pics, it looks great! And it'll be great for 1v1s ;) I...
They had the animation for say, at the start of Crow's nest. You have no weapon right after the cutscene. That's why they had the animation for no...
I like all 3! Although Your Phantom is pretty similar to Zow JR's Phantom, they're all good! I have a feeling you switched between sandtrap and...
You said you wanted a cryo chamber.
I would settle on either no weapon, or the ability to change how much ammo your starting weapon has (no ammo/energy on sword = perfect no-weapon...
Bungie said there is no non-combat vehicles in Forge World, and turns out, in halo: CE (pc version, at least) it was a 'vehicle' somehow (modders...