Yeah, but still, it makes the betrayer learn his lesson :P
It's his signature, not his post....... And the screenshot is AWESOME! It looks cool where it blends from Spartan to laser.
Cool! Are those weird overhang things accessable? Or only accessable using a jetpack (going onto that outline of a square thing, recharging the...
Ah, ok, now I see. lol, if it were 2x2 then everything would be rather tiny :P And did you see the names I gave? (I quoted that post in the...
Isn't a 2x2 block about the size of a side of a Block Large in H3? 0.o anyways, all you really need for it is to make the center platform a little...
This Visions map pack is gonna have some good maps, I suppose? With this 'intro' to it, it's awesome ;) Where does the 1 way teleporter lead?...
Small enough, or big enough? 8 man multi-team gets hectic on Guardian of all things (which, IMO, is pretty small). If it's not bigger than...
Pre-orderin' it. I don't want to be left out, do I? :P I wanna play campaign as soon as possible (Might do forge though, I'll have to decide then :P)
I just asked, I didn't demand it or anything :P And in that pic, I could see the changes easier. And yeah, it's a lot better now that people can...
I have an idea for it....... use it for a jail. Land vehicles = don't teleport, and make the space it goes into just big enough for mongooses....
4 swords at the top? That'd be a little unbalanced unless they either A) can't pick up weapons or B) the other people have BRs or Snipers or...
Ok, I see now. But can you give a new overview? It's a little harder to see everything at the angles u gave. Maybe at the angle u had in the 1st...