I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place and I need some help. I want to get a new game and I've limited myself to MW2 or Assassin's Creed 2....
Do free markets promote a healthier economy and society or do we need regulations of industry to produce the highest amount of prosperity?
...know by heart because damn it feels good to be a gangsta. YouTube- Geto boys - Damn it feels good to be a gangsta
First off, I am very pleased at the responses. They were both interesting and enlightening. The purpose of this is to spark some out of the box...
This is a closed debate. You may post but you may not debate other responses. That will be saved for the follow up thread. ANY NONCOMPLIANCE...
Well what do you think? Personally I think its a bit of both for being so naive that people would read less than 1,000 characters before debating...
READ (COMPLETELY) FIRST. In this debate we will specifically discuss the role of evil in the world, how it exists, why is exists, how it was...
The Problem With The God Debate The problem with the god debate isn't that it isn't a meaningful debate or that it hasn't brought some wisdom or...
I need a good, smooth, flowing c4d render. It needs to be soft and I've had no luck finding one. Does anyone happen to have one in their...
I just virtualized windows 7 inside Virtual Box and I was wondering if the same virtualbox can be achieved to liken that of some of the Ubuntu...
Sarge Has Recon Codes! Yes you the lucky Forge Hub member can have recon. But hurry up! They're running out. Just send a private message or...
YouTube - Man With 21 Kids!!!! Hot damn. This evolution at work kiddies. His genes are gonna spread like wildfire through the population. I...
I laughed super hard at this. [img]
How can we maintain a healthy ecosystem at the expense of the lives of others? How can we be so cold that we must disallow people from obtaining...
Why can't god make a square circle?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9Ltg36oIHQ Yay! It's a lovely video set to gamer-friendly music.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAjY1leC4WQ&feature=channel I don't want to spoil anything, all I can say at the moment is EPIC.
My best attempt to get back into photoshop. [IMG][IMG] Edit: Hmm, it's not wanting to embed. Direct link above. Edit 2: Got it! :p [IMG]
READ THE OP. The thing I love most about this thread is people daily come in here, read the thread title, and post their own two cents on the...
Any strong opinions on saying happy holidays instead of Merry Christmas? Personally, I say the latter and celebrate it as well. I'd just like to...