Doku hasn't updated it since September. He hasn't posted since the end of October. That's **** on sticks to me. You have to rely on fans...
Eww, doku's texture pack is **** on sticks! Get this texture pack: [IMG]
YouTube - Beware of Falling Forge Objects! I think that type of speed forge is a little more convenient to watch since it takes 10 seconds...
Matt, can you add me to the server? My minecraft name is apachemongoose. Edit: This website just made me jizz in my pants...
YouTube - Minecraft :: Mob Elevation Drowning Trap
Crafthub currently needs to update their server. Mc.plugpayplay is another good server but I haven't checked to see if it is still active....
Actually it has several times, but I don't blame you. The only way you could have known is if you were following this thread since it started....
Oh lawd this map is beautiful [IMG]
The ‘legendary’ map is now available for download! « CraftHub
The exact opposite of what you experienced has been happening to everyone else. [IMG] 31 fps is damn pathetic compared to the 150-210 I used to have.
♫♪♫♫ I WOKE UP THIS MORNING ON THE BEACH.... ♫♪♫♫ Vince, I'm collecting arrows for you <3
[IMG] Aww, is somebody having trouble breathing?
YouTube - Minecraft Song (Minecraft Everyday!) by Ceps
Add apache mongoose to BFBC2
I don't have any money to donate, but I do have this tron texture pack... [IMG] [IMG]
It's funny whenever I read threads like this, because (to put it bluntly) the author is always too infuriated to realize that half the ****...
I'm considering getting a PCI Express USB 3.0 adapter card for my computer, but if I don't then I am getting a Dazzle. Or is there something else...
<3 Pet mod Corosus' Mods: Pet Mod+NM Mode v1.4.1 for MC 1.2.6 - Minecraft Forums Also, Blackmagic Intensity Shuttle or Dazzle DVC?
Just beat my first Golem. Holy ****. [IMG] [MOD] Battle Towers V2! Compatibility + Variance - Minecraft Forums
I can tell nobody who has posted has actually downloaded the map, because they didn't say anything about the EXTREME LAG CAUSED BY TOO MANY...