Gorgeous!?! That looks disgusting! My eyes just vomited... -.- Seriously, if you're going to use a texture pack, get one that embraces the...
Looks like Doku to me. P.SSSSSSSSS I'm a creeper [img]
I asked Notch if he had anticipated people making full songs with note blocks, and whether or not he would expand the octave range and types of...
I just had notch answer my question :DDDDDDD Anyone watching the stream? YouTube - MachinimaRealm's Channel
Eww, cobblestone. I was just playing on a PVP server that just started and I looted someone's furnace that was sitting in the middle of a...
YouTube - Minecraft with Mongoose and Stick I just had the worst Minecraft morning ever. I walked outside and I was immediately greeted by a...
You guys are making more drama than the Minecraft Megathread on Facepunch. That's pretty sad. [IMG] Pillar creeper :3
I saw it on Facepunch in the Minecraft megathread, inside a spoiler that I clicked while I was skimming. Believe me if I really wanted to see...
Download World1.zip from Sendspace.com - send big files the easy way Also, I saw Rana porn by accident today. **** you rule 34.
Is that so? [IMG]
I'd rather not. Also, this is so much win: YouTube - Minecraft hidden weapon
[img] ok... [img]
<3 Bone meal YouTube - Minecraft Predator
â–²ALBION 64x Texture pack â–²V 1.92 â–²21/1/2011 â–²TECHNICOLOR2!!â–² - Minecraft Forums
ItoldyousoItoldyouso [IMG] [IMG] Half step INSANITY
Goddamnit I don't think they're telling the full story. The mother is acting like her child would never step out of line and shouldn't be...
woah, trippy give me a map with a railway and I'll do it Hitler had a bad experience with a lava ceiling, be careful.
Yea, I wouldn't ever actually steal from the person, maybe just move some things between chests to **** with their mind.
Wow, that sucks. When I go on multiplayer servers I dig small tunnels around someone's house and then when they leave I'll rearrange the stuff in...
Disagree I'm getting addicted to Harvest ME and now I don't want to play Minecraft as much... NOOOOOO