Also slimes are back in. They're taking over my low grass map. D: [IMG]
Woo! I was one of the first to update my mod! [MOD] apachemongoose's Mods - Infinite Cake - Minecraft Forums It's a pain in the ass searching...
Just blow it up Is anyone else having problems logging in? EDIT: Nvm, just started working again
You have an item from one of your mods in there, most likely.
Fixed YouTube - JonTron's MINECRAFT WORLD!! - JonTron Best Minecraft review. Ever. Of all time.
-.- You made it sound like you were trying to mod minecraft. Maybe say something like I tried INSTALLING mods, but I failed miserably.
If you're just starting to mod, read a lot of tutorials. If you want to make a mod compatible with modloader, look at some of the code that mods...
[MOD] apachemongoose's Mods - Infinite Cake - Minecraft Forums Please COMMENT
[IMG] The new launcher is awesome, although currently you can only launch it from the command line with a batch file. But it is much faster than...
New minecraft launcher Twitter / Markus Persson: This will require some tec ...
-.- Crafthub server is not my style. I'd rather play a full PvP server where I can wage psychological warfare against my prey before dropping...
YouTube - Minecraft :: Zelda??? <3 redstone can't wait until redstone repeaters are added :3
At least it wasn't completely incompatible with your computer. -.- And Rifte, bad reputation is from idiots who don't know what they are doing...
YouTube - Engage! And my sniper sentries are tearing these werewolves up... All I hear at night is PEWWWWWWWWWW PEWWWWWWWWW PEWWWWWWWWW...
No, you just get off of the horse
My guess is no, but I'll check right now EDIT: Installed both mods and it seems to be running fine. I got a world to load without any crashes....
None of them require ammo, but they can be destroyed by mobs.
Yes, that's a sentry, and you can put almost any weapon from his mod on top of the crafting recipe for it to make that type of sentry. I...
My latest save, Super Slopes and SDK's Gun Mod installed [img] [img] [img] [img]
Isn't that what I just said? I never said high resolution texture packs were terrible, just the ones that try to be realistic.