Breaking Records | CraftHub Mouse over the image to find me [spoiler]
They only have one, but that was uploaded to jeb's personal YouTube because he's the one working on the wolves (Notch is doing the achievements)....
I want to see Dawn naked. Oh, wait, we have Rule 34 for that. Never mind. EDIT: I'd like no more legendaries. They are pretty cheap.
[V1.3_01] Portal Gun [Release] - Minecraft Forums AWW YEA [spoiler]
When are we going to make those videos? Also: [V1.3_01] Portal Gun [Release] :D
oh herro
It was flooded off by people explaining that skeletons drop bones and arrows. Once again, if anything is spam, it's posting TWO WORDS and adding...
Oh really? I'd say that you're spamming right now, except you'd probably argue that since you're a moderator you're always ri- wait, you're not a...
I tried to rate your post late and then I realized this isn't FacePunch... they have an entire subforum dedicated to Minecraft and they go through...
Nope, the variable is declared outside of the method and is therefore saved temporarily inside the JVM's memory. The bug is that once the game is...
Does anyone here know Java really well? I need a bit of help with my Infinite Cake Mod.
hurr mind = blown YouTube - Minecraft Pong!
Mojang's secret next game: Scrolls I built one of those traps under the ocean but I still have to finish lighting up the caves around it so more...
I did. On every one that you pointed out an awesome landscape feature I spawned and none of it was anywhere near me. Try posting coordinates...
Learn to post coordinates, not just seeds. I could spawn hundreds of chunks away from anything you describe in those seeds. It's really starting...
Hmmm. The man is right Transhuman. YouTube - Minecraft :: How to Make a Redstone One-Clock LET THE SOUND GRIEFING BEGIN!
Type it in the box
It is randomly generated. The game generates rough voxel sphere-ish caves all of the time. And if it's not randomly generated, then what did it?
Seeds determine the terrain of the map, not the spawns. Give coordinates please. And holy ****, those guys are awesome. That's hundreds of...
Well, that's the only way to legally go back to an older version of Minecraft. Your choice.