Well what are you trying to accomplish with you map. Is it going to be for just one game? Is it going to be a recreation of the Classic Halo 1...
What are these maps?
Cool! Ill try it out whenever my friends get on
Normally I would have flamed you for posting that.. when i said that I have looked at it and it is not what i want, but it looks like - since I...
I definitely said butterflies, and I definitely DID NOT edit it after i saw your post... Why you ask? Well I was going to say eagles, but birds...
I have no obligation to pursue something when that something may not be available to me until years later. Maybe stupid Analogy: I want a car....
There is an allspark in the last level... Maybe this is the pre-textured version
Bungie only twice have ever used community maps for infection and those where Bart's Mansion and that "House of the Dead" or whatever in sandbox...
Nice thread! While it might be a little trivial, and only apply to large maps; I would like to add that Objects that are far away require less and...
I wish bungie would be more imaginative with their maps and their gametypes, Im tired of playing on the same old crappy maps over and over again....
I answered all your questions in Red! I was thinking about reviewing your review but that would just be ridiculous. 2/5 The thing I would like...
nope. You really should read the thread before you post. Progress is only made if we build off the ideas and opinions of others. By not reading...
Is there anywhere on this anarchist cesspool we call the internet that contains ALL of these elements?: A complete list of all Armor a...
Choose how many people can be juggernaut.. so you can have up to 15 juggernaugtsfesds
Its not exactly a "hidden area" but there is a "frame" outside the map that is not effected by the countdown. The area in this frame is not never...
"Granite Is" was an in game AI that makes random bullshit occur randomly In Gears of war 1 and 2 multiple . Epic games made this AI specifically...
Well I cant figure it out, I'm starting to believe that this lever is just a last minute design thing, I have tried EVERYTHING. Also I cant...
Not necessarily. I'm not talking about specifically a forge function, but rather a function of halo reach. Also this is not a problem with just...
Im trying to keep this short and non-complainy, but I have a feeling bungie ran out of time when they got to custom games and forge options and...