Like I said, I was trying not to be bias.. Rather, more descriptive.
YUP! well, at least that's I was originally going for, though now that I look at it, I may have made it more broad than that.. I was trying to be...
Well.. it is an allegory.. I'm just seeing if anyone would get it.. there is the possibility that it's too obscure
There are 3 kids; Robert, his younger brother Thomas, and his step brother Derrick. The 3 kids are all sitting at a round table in Derricks house....
What I have Noticed, is that people play infection only to survive as long as possible as a human, while having the most points at the end of the...
This.. Though I would say we would have to be a lot closer to tell accurately whether the planet is "live-on" able. Seriously we are still...
They should advertise this better, the first time I saw this, I thought it was a messed up trick to get someones map/gametype downloaded a bunch...
LOL, first off we don't need to send a living thing to a planet to know if its livable. We just need a rocket with a bunch of sensors and stuff....
So you have change the network settings in game, on your xbox system settings, or both? Because I found that the "say that im offline/ away"...
Good Idea. Then have a race type thing. You'd Have all sorts of chaos happening all over the map. I like it.
Yup, got that in there. I really don't understand why budgie doesn't have this in the play list already. It seems like it would be something they...
Sorry for the weird formatting, I was trying to retain the format I was going to use on Bungie.Net Here I'm trying to make a complete (and...
Exactly, though based on the way people play infection, I found that on average you do better by nomading. Also I would argue that "the ideal...
I tried making the walls of text easier on the eyes... Zeroth Off (Edit 1), I'm not really good at reach; my reaction time is retarded, and I...
Well, I meant resizing them because, on a computer I was using earlier, the pictures were not automatically resizing themselves. While its not...
Broken looks like it should be a covinent spacecraft. Seriously.. It like SOO much cooler than a banshee.
Lol. I like when you just stop mid air (0:20). I bet the was someone in the game watching that thinking "wft?!"
Cool! I always like the weird overcontrasty shots since halo 3. They show up REALLY well in Reach and there is alot of potential for this effect....
Awesome! It works Beautifully. I would suggest you name the link to the excel something like "DOWNLOAD EXCEL SPREDSHEET HERE" In all caps,...
ok cool, they look like pretty epic maps! As for the Decorative Vs. Simple, A map should be as decorative as physically possible as long as it...