So boosting is fun? spend hours doing the same boring repetitive task over and over and over again is exciting? And what is with your stats 120...
call everyone's friends and tell them to beat challenges now and make a bunch of accounts with 48 hours gold passes and beat the challenges......
Again HIGHLY situational... I can also think of circumstances in which you can get a double from from the grave, and from a weird mentally...
"totally worth it" (The double kill one) and "You ate all the chips" (42) Seem stupidly luck based and overly hard.. The shotgun one is iffy.....
That was fawny!
Im pretty sure I've done something like that in MM
Oh gosh thats looking like a one flag to me.... you might consider creating a smaller less complicated base near by for the attacking teams base,...
Recently I have finished this map, and now I'm on the testing/fleshing out all the bugs stage of this. I have tested this map a few times with 4...
Lolz don't you hate it when you go like 50 views and no one replys. Anyways I had a few ridiculous Zombie games recently. I might put a...
Picture of base?
Good find, Ill add that...
Ok cool Ill try it out ty
Thats actually a great pic I like it
[spoiler] [IMG] [spoiler] [IMG] [spoiler] [IMG] [spoiler] [IMG] [spoiler] [IMG] [spoiler] [IMG] [spoiler] [IMG] [spoiler] [IMG]...
I have been searching for a good Co-op map on reach but i cant find anything. In fact I started building one in frustration.. Also, I mean...
Plasma shots? Lols I was doing it a completely different way.... But your right though.. You are the master of this style not gonna lie [IMG]
Don't Do It!
Quitting are wasting people's time, so bungie made a system that wastes the quitters time.
That weird projectile contact/ kill delay is something that is a problem throughout the game and in a lot of aspects of gameplay. It is best...
I noticed that when people suggest fixes, they sometimes feel a need to punish people for doing things they find annoying, rather than just...