I didnt read a single post... hell not even the OP.. This is a first for me. First off I have beat the game on veteran... 19 times already.......
[IMG] Since Thread Creator is asleep Here http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/Screenshot.ashx?fid=AC1406E82B2DF19E7725E6FA667364D6&size=full
My Ideas [Spoiler] [/Spoiler] Your Ideas + Realisticness review.. [Spoiler] Again.. The problem with these threads are that everyone just vomits...
Kinda seems like an idea grave yard thread.. but whatever, here
Campaign is fun. I like how they put a physiological twist to the game. If you are a Veteran player, you'll find the check-points to be......
Again.. semi realistic... The idea popped up during an invasion game, hearing the little victory riff at the end of each phase. Im not sure how...
Lately I've seen a lot of people (on the various forums I traverse) wanting more stuff; like customizable armor and such. While I don't see any...
Well then, I guess I will be taking my statement back and save it for a more appropriate time.. :p
wow, most flammable post i have seen in a while but.. no. I don't think it would be possible. Think of a multi-team match with custom armor with...
I just had the most wonderful idea of quoting everyone in the thread and adding a responds to every single post to put extreme emphasis on the...
ADD version: -I like difficult. -I don't like Luck.
I would like to see another "maze" map.. sure there are a huge amount of puzzle maps.. but actual mazes? no. This is the first one i have seen on...
Its all about replicating a thought and translating it into reality. whether it is beautiful art piece or an epic race course or maybe a creative...
I'm not saying to completely remove it. I think the system is really clever, and it should be a feature in all multiplayer shooters. I'm saying in...
I've noticed, and unless you are nearly brain dead, everyone else has noticed that there is a delay between certain player interactions. In halo...
I played a slayer game on it. At first glance it comes across as a really random map with no real gameplay fluidity (meaning people kinda stayed...
Ill download it when i get the chance, but you should seriously consider screen-shots. People simply won't be interested... Also if you want...
hehe.. "legit".. I wonder if bungie just instabans anyone over the 'credits possible' amount or something detects impossible credit earnings. It...
I just adore that, I make point, another person doesn't seem to get it, so I explain said point further too that other person, and another person...
Anything that requires you to restart from last checkpoint over and over and over again hundreds of times is always boring and repetitive and,...