Yeah... Ok so lets get back on topic? Or is this thread pretty much dead?
I r can be t3h tard?
LMAO! Nice one Reynbow.
Pics are not working.
Image/Render: Planet Renders // Renders - Logo Renders/resident evil 5 logo Theme: Dark Font: Trashco Font | Quotes: "They Have Risen"...
So most of know Gamer720's puzzle maps and one of his latest ones "Saw Complete" isn't the easiest. Here is a walkthrough for those that need...
*Render/Character: Planet Renders // Renders - Video/Console Game Renders/Prototype *Name: DOA Deadset Style: Dark *Color Scheme:Black and any...
lol! 1:43 is FEPIC! Awesome Penguinish just Awesome!
LMAO! That is seriously creepy.
That seriously made me l0ll0l0l0l0lololololololol. :D
Style: Dark Render/Stock: Crop out the words. Just the symbol Color Scheme: Black and...
I like this one alot. But not as much as Episode 7. Dayum rite sun.
Thats awesome! Downloaded.
Gamer, I have put a walkthrough for Saw Complete on my File Share, I am waiting for it to be posted on via Grab program. I will PM you...
I like this idea but it seems a little hard. Considering that grinding with a Mongoose isn't exactly the easiest thing to do.
Woah! That's awesome what effect did you use?
Only Two Spawns? Hmm... That is quite odd. When I did the final touches I saved it with six spawns. 3 on each side. Thanks for the criticism I...
Thanks for the feedback guys I'll add some cover in V2