I love these dubs of Piccolo they are hilarious.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zR9Xpms5y3E This one hilarious video.
It's a great game, with bugs nonetheless
Oh I know quite alot about Dead Space. I did my research before release, I decided it was something I would get for Christmas instead of getting...
No if you lose all of your health you get knocked out and lose a random amount of experience points and soon after you get up where you were...
No... Hes gonna wait about 2 months after release to get it. Also nvm people my parents found some extra money. So its a happy ending.
Basically in the beginning you are a kid. As time goes by you become older and set on on a quest to recruit The Hero of Strength, The Hero of Will...
See the thing is hes pissing me off. He keeps saying Oh my God I will get Gears 2 but its the same damn game as Gears 1
Damnit I am pissed, I want to pre-order Gears 2 but my best friend just got Fable II, hes also gonna get Gears 2 but not for about 2 and a half...
Shade117pro made it for me.
The flow of this thread is way off. I personally have no right to believe that the mods are corrupt. Some are a little quick with the infracting...
Did anybody else watch this series of epic Machinima?
PNG Means no background just the render. Make the Text Red
Do you do PNG's? If so... Render/ stock: [IMG] Theme: PNG Font: Text: Vengeul C do something with the inside of the text like this picture:...
Just awful, absolutely awful. I can't believe people can be so ****ing cruel. Some people are just...just...**** I can even thnk of a word that...
Hilarious Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-jVAHAuiS4
If you like puzzle maps then you should definitely joing Saw Forgers located here. Forge Hub Halo Forums - Saw Forgers The Saw Forgers are...
This map looks awesome got a download from me as soon as possible. EDIT: Just played the map with some friends and I loved it.
I love ths Machinima and I don't know if alot of you have seen it so here is Episodes 1-6 Episode 1:...
Love DigitalPh33r. His ideas are great, I'm loving this new machinima of his.