Technically, Matt Smith was my first doctor... and we all know you never forget your first doctor. It makes me sad that so many people hate on...
... I feel like I should be worried... but I'll ignore that sense of foreboding dread.
Don't worry guys. Clark's got this. He couldn't explain everything before because I had to leave early. Edited by merge: [spoiler] I love anime...
[spoiler] They couldn't handle their awesomeness. Don't worry I can handle how awesome I am.
... Well if you say so
Hopefully you can get out of the pit that is the friendzone
Yes. Clark remembers you. He is eternally grateful.
... Is the silence awkward yet?
Curious people never do what they are told.
The real one!
I honestly have no clue how to proceed with this Sky person. Should I be jealous? Should I touch him/her/it? Should I sniff Sky's rag to see if it...
You're right... How could I have missed that? (tangent: I love Firefly!)
Nintendo Sixty-FOOOOOOOOOOUR - YouTube The orginal vid. Someone took the audio and animated... that for it.
Remember that video I told you about? The one where the kids are freaking out about the Nintendo 64? (you know back in 4th grade when funnyjunk...
Hi, Clark. Yeah, I thought it'd be a little present to you... one that you could make yourself. Merry Christmas. <3
Is for horses but grass is much cheaper. (Hi lover)
I used elevating double-sided tape to make it pop more... it looks better in real life.
Nice to meet you all. I already stated who I am in a relationship with, so that's down. I consider myself an artist; my main vice is watercolors....
Hi, I'm Mingo's girlfriend. I want more exposure for my work, and Clark said you guys were awesomesauce I'm also probably going to get a little...