Probably humans because as humans ourselves we like to imagine those that are god-like to look like us.
this is... unexpected. I thought that had died down. Now I need to know stuff. Maybe KB'll tell me.
on what?
nononono your map post. You obviously copied after posting it on xForgery first. You have those ugly resize bars.
copy pastea fail
If only iRaynne had had this week-long lifetime warrenty... oh well.
It sounds like you're looking for the tester's guild my friend. It can be found here.
Mlg forging god.
29 or something. I love MLG but i never go in with a team so i always seem to lose. Oh well, its all fun.
put as many teleporters down as possible and set as many of the blockers down as possible. The more numbers should equal more random.
I could do this.
Yah sure, I'll help you gui. I know all the methods. My GT is silent oo death and I'll hook you up with a FR whenever next possible.
OMG that was amazing. Sooooo funny. Is there anything i can do for you... Do a barrel roll!
You might want to get your map tested here and then you can take pictures after the game.
Please don't post in black, even if you do view in oldschool default is so much easier to read for the rest of us. thread
I do objective every now and then but I'm mainly the main slayer. There seems to be something more attractive about K/D than objective points.