I understand, so am i taking over recruits?
are you still running recruits?
I knew you would get it if i blatantly pointed at it.
Did i mention I <3 you? (HFS Poptarts)
Thankyouthankyouthankyou. I was giving up on it as a lost cause.
Can you remove that permanent infraction? I've had it for 6 months now and the last infraction i got was meant to be a warning and was reversed...
I don't have time to tell you right now. I'm supposed to be doing a huge freaking project and I'm procrastinating.
OMG I LOVE YOU! noncaps
I'll tell you later. Oh and you still won't have your xbox back for a while so you won't have to worry about it.
*touches nose coyly*
Inorite? And i'll try not to. Oh and as a tip between you and me, start leaving more feedback.
I'd like to thank youtuber, of course, and god, and maybe my parents...
K just making sure. I figured you probably had.
Insane you might have noticed but whisper has retired from guild leader and I've been promoted.
Thanks, I appreciate it.
Don't you know it?
I'm not sure what i'm doing with it yet. I'll let you know.
happy birthday.