It really does. It's been out all break.
I one read ringed.... I should be getting it back sometime this week.
If you're in a game with people and you're not sure if you're host or not, go into monitor mode and look down. Then press up on the d pad over...
There's six messages that you obviously just sent to all friends that I had to delete one by one because I cannot get directly on the tag. Just...
Please stop spamming up the FHTG tag.
I was thinking today and it hit me... It doesn't matter who you are; you can never be truly unique. This sounds a little melodramatic but if you...
Your points be at the store go get them. Hahaha
On a slightly related note, stalkerstalkerstalker
Hahha maybe...
Epic win! I really want that title. How did you get it?
Amazing job. All of them show that you know exactly how to place them, the coloring and lights are very well done, and they're simply beautiful....
The only two of note are lost cause and fire wall. You have the hang of advanced techniques but the others lack the fluid sharpness that make...
The green squares are pretty cool but the effects on it have the generic washed-out look to them. This throws off the whole picture because it...
Obviously this game is an aesthetic marvel. I can't really tell how it is when it comes to gameplay, but so far it looks like you have a...
Checked old posts until someone quoted you. When you quote someone the old name stays because of the fact that its not really related to you.
I wasted 20 minutes of my life trying to figure out why I didn't recognize someone with 900 posts. FML
Um.... glasgow's old profile name was ASC671. (I'm just that good.)
Nevermind I figured it out ;) it took me too long though. I should have been able to do it faster. Why did you change your name?
Did you get your name changed? For some weird reason I don't recognize you.
I've been a leader for a month or so now. Hahahah have I proven yet that I deserve the title and am not just whoring for it?