You're still on top though. And very much good. Congratulations once again. But what inspired you to be a journalist?
Hahaha are you sure he didn't just go deepthroat insane?
Hey black Therom when did you become a mod?
Around. Right as the guild was getting renovated I had to go to a month long camp. Well not that me staying around here would have made a...
I have to congratulate you on becoming a journalist, and retaining the position of guild leader. I haven't been able to do both those things.
Hahaha well I'm glad
It doesn't really matter to me. The guild just doesn't seem as important now as it did 1 1/2 years ago when I joined. I've been in the guild...
Ah but they didn't completely. What's A Scope is still leader of the guild. The colored members wanted to be a part of the guild again so they...
I haven't had much time. The guild was the only thing that was keeping me here, and they haven't seemed to include me in the new one so whatever....
Regarding your post in the screenshot competition I agree. Your picture is pretty good.
I love your sig.
The op. It says, "you read you post. No lurkers here"
Shoot. I was just reading it but now I realise I have to write something. Darn you sarge.
YouTube - Jimi Hendrix - Little Wing Easily my favorite song by him
osama himself is not even afghani. Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure he's not. And you musn't confuse the mujhadeens who could be...
It's ridiculous that you would think that we're the best country in the world. Because we're not in all aspects. So don't use superlatives. The...
I agree with your point but forums aren't for the educated so you have no right to call him out on his ignorance. Which, might I point out, you...
This is very well written. To someone who does not understand map designing this would be very helpful. I know most of this material however,...
epic win caption
Hahah way ahead of you. Listening to attack attack right now. And nemi, I like your way of thinking.