your not suppose to have that much cover its sorta mlg-y
when I try to merge a box in the ground it always slips into the ground or stays uneven no matter how many times i try and the center is supposed...
NSN Coloseum Created by Prophet of Heresy Supported Gametypes: Mosh Pit Slayer Map Description The NSN coloseum is basically an arena with 2...
thanks :D
looks great clean interlocking 4.5/5 but how is it unique?
umm sometimes when I am geomerging a box using the door technique a second time on the same box it will slip completley into the ground, how does...
1st dowmload ;D
how do you get out of maps without dieng i already tried the turret and sideseat thing but i just died every time
nice use of shield doors
love the gaurdian train its kinda like that one map from halo 2
nice but it suckls if your on the bottom giggity
because its a museum
nice im downloading
give hime a break its hard to make a map on last resort thats not a floating fortress
nice but the fence walls would make gameplay confusing
welcome to forge hub :)
VERY nice
i like the use of open single boxes
i agree you should try interlocking ity might sound hard to remember in the tutorial but once you do it, it becomes a 2nd language
kind of messy but other than that nice oh when geomerging keep walls around the object so its straight