:monitor: Not as much a physical figure as much as it is a creation of our complex minds, much like how a placebo works. If you really think it...
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thanks for all the comments and constructive criticism
its fine the way it is and i say that because I made it to be inescapeable
i noticed that to but to fix it I would havfe to restart the whole thing might make a V2
Colosseum Perfected Created by prophetofheresy Colosseum Perfected is where blood, sweat, and tears are the determining factor of your fate....
Gamertag: prophetofheresy Times you can get on:all day cuz its summer! Mic yes/no?: Yes Something describing yourself: 14 i am good at forging but...
very nice use of recieve nodes to float movable objects
im not dling cuz it doesnt really look like its playable and certainley not competetive, but othereise you did a good juob making it
the only thing i dont like is the dumpster that kills you cuz i always walk into the damn thing other than that nice job
i love the use of mancannons
nice use of shield doors
i like the shield doors
very nice 5/5
if it were me i would piss off all the zombies by not releasing them and taking the humans on by my self :D
very nice interlocking on those curves 4/5 cuz i dnt like close quarters
wwell i heard on bungie.net that it disapearsw when overloaded and they even had a picture maybe i have to use a different technique?
this is tight ! 4/5
Can you somehow get the monitor thing to not follow you around like with overloading cause im making a ninja map and i need it dark and that dam...
thankyou for explaining that for me and there is little cover because i dont like it when i loose like a br contest and people say i got out br'd...