Solstice FFA Created by prophetofheresy Set up for slayer oddball and KOTH. Inspired by all of the maps I have made in the past 3-7 players...
Could someone show me, with pictures, how to mount the weapons on the wall without the weapon holder sticking out It would be very appreciated....
its a metaphor for hardwork retard
Yeah I didnt really have enough money But I will try to work on it in V2
thanks for the comments:)
*added more pics
There would really be no point to any more pictures because the picture has most of side B and they ar symmetrical
MLG Colosseum Created by prophetofheresy MLG Colosseum is where blood, sweat, and tears are the determining factor of your fate. Not strategy...
seen it before but not with the at ease posture still its good 3/5
love the flower one cuz its like its in a movie or something .
invisible sword glitch?
sorry but i hate the rouge helmet :(
i like the way you guys think...will do the next time I get screenshot crazy
that guy on the left is me btw :D and you cant see brandons face because the glare from his big ass security helmet
Taken on valhalla [IMG]
FIXED i was beginning to worry :(
This is a picture of me and me good friend brandon on blackout on my fileshare...
very nice its better than any of the other things in those piles :)
staged id recognize those clones anywhere but still very nice
staged? because im sure an early player couldve chosen that name