wow electric vines is just the modded sandbox map called grapgh planet pretty cheap
Sorry its been a while if any of you remember my other shots from awhile back [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
I haz map pack PrOpHeT iZ rAiN
thankyou thankyou thankyou I finally got it!
Lately I have been working on an MLG map and I have most of the middle and a beta version of one of the bases, and I have been having trouble...
Does any body know exactly how to merge a sign a or b flat on a double box ao that only a ring shows up instead of the letter and arrow :confused:
Nice Geo and like an orgasm for forgers by the way the place where you have the sign a interlocked so that it only shows the...
Awww!No more rep!Thats morbidly obese.....but thank you SO MUCH!
I figured out how to geomerge how to merge a powerup into the window side of foundry because i can get a wall out there but how do you do it on...
( before I give you a rating, know that I am tough) Well some of them are basic flare shots....seems to be taken from different angles. And the...
yeah i hesitated to put the white ones up but i did cuz there are people who might like them
I really didnt know what to name the red ones but they are still badass Portal[IMG] ? [IMG] ?2 [IMG] Stone [IMG] cloaked [IMG] Ghost...
yeah i know it sucks but i put it up there cuz my friends liked it
trust me if I knew HOW to photoshop, then I wouldnt be doing it on halo pictures
thanks lol
Lightning [IMG] Fading Reality [IMG] Rage [IMG] Blue Fire [IMG] Death [IMG]
:confused:I would really like to know because everyone that makes them wants MSoft points for it and I think thats bullcrap so if someone could...
If you guys would please rte the map tht would be great so it can eep a good rating. I also discovered that door problem, early in the making...
but seriously i dont have r4conz lololololololololololololololololololol I r h4XoRz
It is in the back floating on a wall near the vertical stairs. Also I do plan on making a v2.