Doctor Who FTW
Thx this will help for my Deer Hunt map I am making!
Yes more entrances would be nice. But the stairs are little crooked. They could be interlocked a little nicer if he is gonna do the fan shape....
Yeah but it's a blank map or a canvas!
That looks just like the one in the movie but it is huge so really it should be a Wall-R like the big one like 20 time bigger then the regular one.
The stairs are very messy and some in the middle look crooked. [IMG] Overall it could be a little bigger. You might want to include the money...
Yes kids should be able to play. But only the mature kids.
I am not a big fan of MLG but this is not bad at all. You have really good interlocking and Geo-merging.
nice bunker base next to scarab, it is well interlocked and how does it exsplode?
I like what you said. I think you have a really good point there. It's nice someone decided to forge on a map other then Foundry or Avalanche for...
Stop this guy he has like 25 spam/rude/doubleposts/tripleposts and is trashing the forums! His ForgeHub Name:...
"I can haz Flame Hammer" LOL
Stop spamming the forums. I have seen like 15 posts that broke 4 posting rules. Double Posts Triple Posts Spam Posts Rude Posts You already...
You map has very good interlocking and geo-morphing. This is really good and I like the idea of the long big lift. 5/5
Well done, nice switch. Now try to make a map around it.
This map is great! I remember testing is and it was so fun. Sadly later I played it with my friends and they said is was so stupid so they just...
You lie H4XOR!
I am downloading this and sending it to everyone on the other team when I win a game in Team Slayer or Team Doubles. LOL!
Nice find! I wonder if your the 1st to figure this out!