Although the layout wasn't the best, (I've never liked walled maps) the interlocking and geomerging was clean. 4/5.
Tbh, it looks more like an infectino map than a competitive map. It's good, but it has a little too much open areas. I also really don't see the...
You scared me for a second. I have a map with a similar name, and I thought someone stole it O_o. Anyway, this map has good potential, but needs more.
Ah, the Creation vs Evolution debate. Possibly one of the largest and continuous debates in history. I could continue talking about this, but to...
Although both candidates support gay marraige and abortion, Obama supports, in my terms, "Forced donating". The idea of being forced to give to...
Unless you mean God, than my belief would be that we aren't. There simply isn't enough solid evidence. As for the government covering up evidence,...
True, we are all judgemental; but it is our judgement that has saved many people's things and lives. I wouldn't be offended by it.
Putting down a dog is nothing bad, as dogs to not have a soul, and they would not be hurt. It isn't as much a punishment as it is a way to protect...
Sure, we don't needto eat meat, but it tastes great and is a great source of protein! The way I've thought about it is: Wouldn't the animal you're...
1. Should dog/**** fighting be illegal? 2. Is there ever a time you should hit your dog? 3. Is is right to keep your dog outdoors in a dog...
To be honest, if it offends people to talk about a religious belief in school, I don't understand how it doesn't offend people to be taught their...
That's nice... now make it. :P
Put a fence wall under the map. If you don't know how to do that, read the "Merging Movable Objects With Map Geometry" guide.
Since it's infinite money, There should be a teleporter going outside. Get it somewhere by the windows outside the map, save as new map, then...
Although I think it's nice that you would set people straight, I can't agree with you 100%. There are maps that have overpowered humans. Take Four...