this map looks bad. all it is is teleporters and explosives everywhere. this is a waste for a map
this map is awesome!!! i love the faces in the middle
although there was no interlocking, the map still looks good for infection
i like the map. it looks up to MLG standards
awesome Grunt !!!!!! i love grunts
this looks ingenious. awesome gametype and map. this will go great with all my friends and i
this map looks amazing and has great interlocking
this map looks good and it looks like it has a good supporting gametype :0
were r all the pics for this post?
Please no one else post anything more after this.
i agree that there r too many teleporters but it looks like an old map i found called room wars on the pit. it was basically just like this with a...
i just got a notification for posting a reply 3 weeks ago
really good interlocking and it has a great sniper tower
this is really really good interlocking and merging and it also has a great wing in the middle
this map looks really cool but i don't get why it is an MLG map
this map looks really good and it was the first ive seen in a long time to be on Snowbound
this map looks amazing!!! great interlocking and an unbeatable design. 5 out of 5
looks like a great racing map but how long did it take u to make this?!!?
this map has great interlocking and i also like the floating guns
im a huge fan of all ur work and this map takes the cake