alright *****, you online today?
Add me on XBL. My gamertag is - Paranoia UK
Me and patchwork played a game on this the other night. It played really well, the map flowed well and the spawns were pretty tight. There looked...
hi stevo, thanks for the comments. During playtesting the upper level never felt too easily controllable. Its hard to tell from the photos but...
Concussion By Paranoia UK [IMG] Concussion is a map I have finished over the last few days. I had originally planned not to release any more...
I did not know this. thanks :)
CTF will probably be broken until they bring back a visible skill rank which dictates ranking up. With the recent 'everyones a winner' style of...
I too find it hard to get decent numbers together for map testing. Feel free to add me on XBL - Paranoia UK. Im on a lot of the time and will...
ill probably throw a few things together to test out some of the new peices and then get started on a few designs ive prepared. I plan on remaking...
High Ground Construct Relic
im good thanks man, just been working a bucket load recently, doesnt leave much time for anything else. How are you? I cant wait for Halo 4! Im...
really enjoyed playing on this the other day. Map flowed really well and worked great for the gametype we played.
UNSC sniper for me, unless its not on the map of course
anything that involves constructing things, whether its virtual or in real life. Im a plumber by trade but I take on any constructing jobs with...
grats on the feature dude. long time in the runnning if u ask me. :)
LOL Nice to meet you pyro
Thanks man, im looking forward to seeing what Halo 4's forge engine allows us to do. Thanks man, as far as baring too much of a resemblance to...
Ascalon By Paranoia UK [IMG] Ascalon is my latest and probably last forge map on Halo Reach. Ive been away from the game, and xbox in general,...
Difficult to say without knowing what sort of interface we'll be working with. I can say for sure that I will remake some of my own work, I have...
Its hard to think of future ideas without knowing much about the new forge engine. If its a similar style to Halo 3 and Halo Reach forge then i'll...