Oh it has a name. This is... ... ... ... Head Games! Awesome huh =)
I also want to put it out there that anybody interested is welcome to post their interest in playtesting this. I want people who are willing to...
I have the elements in place. I kind of did this whole thing backwards. Had crazy idea. Built it...then gauged interest! All kinds of backwards....
Dizzyman, The map looks dangerous. It looks as though attacks can come from any direction. Here's hoping that it plays well *cheers*. And Dude,...
I think 30 seconds, but don't quote me right now, I'm at work and can't check just at this moment. Now that I think about it though it may only be 15.
I am wanting to gauge interest in my idea to see 2 things: 1) Is the community interested in this gametype? 2) Does the community think it too...
I'd love to test out this map with you hit me up. I work until 5:30 EST though so it'll have to be after that...or I'll just miss out.
In hopes of keeping this one to myself until I can work the map. I don't currently own Halo:CE so I have to purchase it and then see if its...
I am looking through the different maps that are Chiron TL-34 remakes (spiritual or not) and I am looking to find the most effective one out of...
For anybody looking at this map I do have one part on the map that I am at arms with myself over. Any feedback regarding the shield doors at Glass...
Check to make sure there are no spaces in your link that would be the first thing I would do. I don't use tinypic myself, but just double check to...
Angel of Grief is right, there is a lot of good advice here in this thread. Which mind you I started when I was in a really bad frame of mind. So...
Layout A looks pinched and tight, where B looks more open and aesthetically accurate. So long as B does not change or hinder gameplay (and I don't...
I can see how this would be good for the people looking for BTB maps and gametypes. Would be a useful addition!
Thanks for the Nomination in FHF. Appreciate it!
el megapwn, then I accredit you in your desing. Sweet Idea, I must say that I thought the same thing too when I worked on my map last night. Never...
Thanks, does it do video and images or just one or the other?
I am looking to improve my map postings with some stronger visuals and maybe even some videography. Does anybody know of a good editor for either...
Damn! Angle of Grief, you used Teleportes and Weapons in a very similar fashion as the map I am currently working on. I guess great minds do think...
Alright, so my day yesterday was pretty bad and I vented. Most all of you that have responded have been very, well lets say nice about your posts...