Okay, what's the best video game credits/theme song. If you asked me, I would say the Mass Effect theme song, but I want to hear your opinion....
Browsing in google, I came to a forum where someone posted the following: Considering half of threads made are concerning what controller...
Is Pan Cam considered modding? FYI: If you don't know what it is, look it up.
If you didn't already hear, there's new achievements. But I have a question about the new skull achievements. Will there be new campaign levels?
Out of any game coming out this year, which one would you reserve? And why?
Ok, I hate getting paired up with crappy people in MLG, so anyone want to play MLG with me? I'm leveling up my level 7 account, so yeah. The...
New versions of Epitaph, Sandtrap, The Pit, and Snowbound are coming out which are called Epilogue, Sandtarp, Pit Stop, and Boundless...
Can you guys post links to Blue and Black Rooms? If there's already a thread like this, please tell me.
How many map packs will Bungie make all together counting Heroic, Legendary and Cold Storage. Single map releases like Cold Storage count as one...
I know it won't happen, but I want bungie to include a remake of Tsavo Highway in the Mythic Map Pack. I know Avalanche was supposed to be vehicle...
I'm in the works of a Machinima entitled Halo 3 Karaoke. I'll take suggestions here and on YouTube for songs you want to hear. Promo: YouTube -...
For a game that was in development for several years, I was disappointed when playing it. I gotta say, the weapons and armor permutations were...
Did anyone else notice that the ranks on forgehub are the same as the campaign achievements?
Does anyone know of any capture cards compatible with Macs, or are all capture cards compatible with Macs?
YouTube Video Download Diamond Row V1 Diamond Row V1 [IMG] Created by KeebobBobagawa Supported Gametypes: ALL GAMETYPES!!! Map Description...
I have challenges for anyone who's bored: 1. Build a good Boarding Action remake outside of Blackout. 2. Build a good asymmetrical map on...
How do you geomerge a wall into the ground so the corner of the wall goes in first?
I just wanted to know who has recon armor and how they got it. No, I'm not going to ask you for it, I'm just curious.
I know that this should take place in the Third video "Recon", but I'll post my idea anyway. Okay so Master Chief is all like, "Dear god, I know...
Never playing Halo Combat Evolved before, I'm attempting to make a Rat Race Remake based on pictures, so if you guys can tell me some ideas, main...