Since you have really great forgeing skills you should really make a whole spartan...that would be awsome
hey the link doent work for me
looks short but very very fun
ive seen many post like this before but this one seems more challangeing and more fun!
good thing its free.... my dad stole my money
need more pics
really cool 4/5
looks like a turkey
he must love the brutes
for a second ago i was just with my mouth opened saying to myself hes a weird modder
its kinda suckish
ya i dont like the M some people dont like Ms or there name is not Matt
i could help u.... but u have to send me a friend reqest......but i warn u im only 10 years old
ya i know bungie doesnt even know who we...are our maps from FH should be on bungie favs,because there have ben sucky maps on bungie favs
I Love This Map It Should Be On Bng. Favs
ya just like hurricane katrina but with a gametype and a bridge right there so you cant just camp there where the junk spawns...... IN OTHER WORDS...
wow!!!!!! really cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you have my download